
Monday, June 23, 2003

OK, over a week later and I still can't shake this damn cold. Still there are little bits of light in the gloom. My new favorite hobby is calling up my friends at work and blasting the "Peanut Butter Jelly Time" song into the phone. At least it makes me laugh.

Sunday, June 15, 2003

It figures. A beautiful day outside and I have a cold. This sucks. Colds should have a union so they don't work on weekends either! My girlfriend is out lying on the deck enjoying the sun and I don't want to be outside cuz I feel like shit. Haven't heard from my daughter yet today (father's day sucks when you're 900 miles from your daughter). I'm almost anxious for this week to start so I can have something to do instead of sitting around the house bitching to the internet!

Friday, June 13, 2003

Naturally, this being my first post, I hope nobody who reads this is expecting anything outstanding. The revelations will come later. I'm not sure just how much of my personal life I'll put on here as opposed to what opinions I'll throw out there (many of you probably won't agree with them, which is GREAT). For now, suffice to say that I am a soldier in the National Guard, a former active duty soldier, and I'm attending a local university where I work as an intern and help to manage a web site for an unspecified department.

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